Monday, September 12, 2016

The Alps/Austria

Six days ago I went to the Alps. The Alps are long row of mountains that can be small or big. Here are some pictures.

We could walk aside the Gorge.
This is the view that we saw from the path

    In the Alps I saw this    beautiful gorge called The Partenkirchen Gorge. I think that the water in the gorge came ~from the mountains.~

The next day we went to Austria. The drive was 3 hours long.

What famous candy was made in Linz, Austria? Email me the answer when you get it if you get it. Maybe I can bring you some when I get back to the USA.

Now we are still in Austria but we are staying in a hotel in Vienna. Vienna is a big city in Austria.

Monday, September 5, 2016

My English Garden Painting

Yesterday we went to the English Garden. When we were there we used water color pencils and water to paint pictures of what we were thinking about. Here's mine.

It is a picture of the lake and the ground from our view.
While we were painting we were sitting on a very old monument that was made in the early nineteenth century. It was made with marble. It was very comfy and we had a good view of a very nice lake. I fed some ducks bread crusts. One bit my finger and it really tickled. We got some ice pops in the garden. We were going to see some surfing but we could not find the place where they were practicing surfing.

Finally today when we got home we played with a tennis ball on the back patio and we got some ice cream.  

I had a great time!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Athletic Adventures

Today I am going to start of with a round of "Where in the World is Emeline Schweitzer". Here is the picture.

Fact: In 1972 this place was used for some thing that just ended 2 weeks ago.

Today I visited a few churches and said some prayers. I also saw a lot of very pretty and awesome fountains. There was an under the sea themed one (That was my favorite) and a fish one. My mom had a tour book that told us about the different things that we saw. I can't wait to go back.