Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hello! Ola! Hallo! Bonjour! Hola! Ciao! Hi!

     Once again, guess who forgot to write every week? Me! Yeah... sorry about that. So, sho' men swimming started up again two or three days ago. Yeah. Fun! So, I got too old for my old age group, so I had to move up. I was supposed to move up in the winter, but dance kinda got in the way. So I got a season off. Now I am back into it and it is harder than ever before. 😐 So, I am trying to catch up to everybody, but they all have been swimming a lot more than I have, so it's been pretty hard. Especially knowing that these may be the people that I am racing against. And being a past Delmarva Champion has kinda set the expectations. And let me tell you... they are pretty high. Yay! But you know... it's fine. I'll get better, right? Anyway, tell me how you guys are doing. Tell me what is going on in your lives. I have finals next week! Fun! (NOT) Wish me luck! ............... Sorry, I was looking outside, and let me tell you, it is not very nice out there. It is pouring! And the old man is really snoring! (Did anyone get it?) So, yeah! Comment what is going on in your lives. I would really like to start blogging more often, but with finals coming up, I don't know if I will be able to blog next week. But I will try. So try refreshing this page every day. Because you never know when I will publish my next blog. So, now I need to go eat dinner. But let's keep in touch. Talk to you later!

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